NOTE: This News replaces an older version which was just for K-5. This post will give you all the information needed for K - 8th Grade conferences.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 9th and Thursday, November 10th.
FOR K - 5th GRADE:
Each day is link specific, so please click on the link that matches the day you prefer. The links are passcode sensitive. See passcode and links below:
Wednesday: Click me
Passcode: Panthers
Thursday: Click me
Passcode: Panthers
FOR 6th - 8th GRADE
The below link is for both days. Each conference will be with all the teachers who instruct your child.
Link: Middle School Conferences - NO PASSCODE NEEDED
Any time slots not signed up for will be available for walk-in conferences.
*Please let your home room teacher or the school know of any cancellations.
We look forward to seeing you on either one of these days.