Click on "Certified Application" or "Classified Application" for the links to the application. Submit it in person, mail it, or email it to the school administrator at

Certified Application

Special Education Teacher: Looking for a certified teacher, preferably with a Special Education endorsement. We have a small caseload and a very supportive staff.

Please submit: Cover letter, district application, resume, 3 letters of recommendation, transcripts, and a copy of a current teaching license.

Full-Time Paraprofessional: We are looking for a paraprofessional to aid in classroom and student support in the elementary grades. The right candidate will work directly with students in the classroom and will be essential for helping students stay on task and engaged as well as helping support students with assignments and classwork. If interested, fill out and submit a Classified Application. If you have questions, please call the office at 892-5388.

Substitute Teachers